It's safe to say, I'm dreading counting down the days, hours, minutes, seconds, and whatever form of time comes after that, to my presentation.
Friday, May thirteenth, twenty-eleven. Sixth Period. Eleven-Oh-Eight AYE-EM.
Of course I had to choose my date to be Friday, The 13th right?
Looking back on the whole WISE experience, I think I have some mixed emotions.
a.) Did I enjoy WISE? Sure I did. I liked being able to do my own thing and really try to work out what I wanted to do as a career to see if it's what I wanted. But WISE was also stressful, and things with the NCN didn't exactly ever get going and no one was there to assist me with MSGVarsity...
b.) Did I learn anything from WISE? Sure I did. I learned that sports reporting might not be what I'm best suited for. There were some days where I just really didn't feel like pumping out a new story or sitting on the computer writing an article on something that's already been reported and is old news. I guess I felt this way because I'm still just a high school kid and unlike the reporters in the professional world, I don't have the sources to inside news and rumors that they do. So everything that I did was after they had provided the information in their own pieces.
c.) What would I give myself in WISE? An 85. I know that I've been doing this blog since last year, but I don't feel as though I ever had the motivational fire lit underneath me to really grab this course by the horns. I realized that my presentation is going to be very tough, seeing as it's journalism, and that there isn't much I could do to present other than show off this blog and its over 250 entries. Hopefully ya'll will appreciate all the work that I put in to this blog and see that journalism isn't as easy as it seems.
With two full days left, let's hope I can get something else together.
Well, here goes everything.
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